Transfer of Engagements – Rowlagh Credit Union to Community Credit Union
20 March, 2025Dear Member,
We are delighted to inform you that, on the 18th March 2025, the Board of Directors of Rowlagh Credit Union Limited have passed a resolution to transfer their engagements to Community Credit Union Limited. The Board of Directors of Community Credit Union Limited have also passed a resolution to accept the engagements of Rowlagh Credit Union Limited. The Transfer of Engagements requires the approval of the Central Bank.
The proposed transfer arises from the belief of the Boards of our credit unions that our members can be better served together and we consider it an ideal opportunity to grow and develop our services to members locally. On completion of the proposed Transfer of Engagements, the common bond of Community Credit Union Limited will be extended to include the common bond of Rowlagh Credit Union Limited. We are confident that the decision to combine our credit unions will strengthen our position to be the most trusted, respected and preferred financial services provider for our members, providing good value, modern accessible and tailored services.
The staff of Rowlagh Credit Union Limited will transfer to Community Credit Union Limited under the Transfer of Undertakings (protection of employment) regulations 2003. One member of staff in Rowlagh Credit Union will avail of a Voluntary Exit Programme as part of the Transfer of Engagements process.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you the members for your continued loyalty to your Credit Union. In particular, we would like to acknowledge the voluntary contribution of the members of the Board of Directors, Board Oversight Committee, and volunteers of Rowlagh Credit Union Limited over the years.
Link here to Section 130 Pack which provides information on the board resolutions approving the proposed transfer and also the statements required under Section 130 of the Credit Union Act, 1997 (as amended).
Patrick Kelly
Chair, Community Credit Union Limited
Noreen Kelly
Chair, Rowlagh Credit Union Limited